How do we spur, encourage and support creative thinking and learning?
How can we engage our students in thinking deeply and broadly?
How do we connect art to what students are learning in school and experiencing outside of school?
Creative Strategies from Contemporary Art
Hybridize: Join parts of different things
Reformat: Use a format from outside art
Project: Imagine or envision what is not there or speculate on what could happen next.
Juxtapose: Place contrasting images or objects in proximity to each other
Transform: Morph or change something into something else
Personify: Cast animals or inanimate objects as human
Elaborate: Go into more detail; add details
Change Scale: Make an object larger or smaller relative to other things
Extend: Take ideas to logical or absurd conclusions.
Employ Metaphor: Cast one thing as another
Use Unusual or Metaphorical Materials: Construct an object out of surprising materials and/or components
Translate: Create a form in a different material (often an art material)
Map: Arrange and present ideas and concepts in graphic configurations
Categorize or Re-categorize: Place something in its common category, a new category, or multiple categories.
Layer: Superimpose an image onto another image.
Intervene: Insert an object or image into an environment; take action
Distill: Simplify down to the basic form or idea
Mimic: Use the methods of a non-art discipline
Re-contextualize: Place an object or image in another context
Embody: Take on the persona of someone else; act
Appropriate: Use an existing image to draw on its meaning
Distort: Exaggerate a trait or feature