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Creative Strategies from Contemporary Art


  • Hybridize: Join parts of different things 


  • Reformat: Use a format from outside art


  • Project: Imagine or envision what is not there or speculate on what could happen next. 


  • Juxtapose: Place contrasting images or objects in proximity to each other


  • Transform: Morph or change something into something else


  • Personify: Cast animals or inanimate objects as human 


  • Elaborate: Go into more detail; add details 


  • Change Scale: Make an object larger or smaller relative to other things


  • Extend: Take ideas to logical or absurd conclusions. 


  • Employ Metaphor: Cast one thing as another 


  • Use Unusual or Metaphorical Materials: Construct an object out of surprising materials and/or components


  • Translate: Create a form in a different material (often an art material)


  • Map: Arrange and present ideas and concepts in graphic configurations


  • Categorize or Re-categorize: Place something in its common category, a new category, or multiple categories.


  • Layer: Superimpose an image onto another image.


  • Intervene: Insert an object or image into an environment; take action


  • Distill: Simplify down to the basic form or idea


  • Mimic: Use the methods of a non-art discipline


  • Re-contextualize: Place an object or image in another context


  • Embody: Take on the persona of someone else; act


  • Appropriate: Use an existing image to draw on its meaning


  • Distort: Exaggerate a trait or feature

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